April News from Heartfelt

Spring is here... finally. And we're ready to end the hibernation. Are you? If so, then let the crafting begin!! We've updated our calendar with lots of fun new classes. You can check them out and register online {here}.
Ready to quilt? We're ready for beginners and experts alike with our weekly Sewcial. It's hosted every Wednesday (6pm-9pm) and the third Saturday (9am-noon) each month. We have LOTS of projects to choose from, or you can bring your own!
For you cutting machine owners (i.e.: Cricut, Silhouette), Tracy has some classes to put those machines to use. From beginner to expert, and everything in between... she's got you covered. Click {here} for the dates and times.
We have lots of new products that are coming in every day. Here's a peek at some of the latest... There's LOTS more!!
We had so much fun at our Spring Retreat. Here's some of the highlights...

Want to join us in the Fall? Watch for the information on our Escape & Create website. We'll be posting all the details within the next few weeks.
Visit: www.heartfeltescapeandcreate.com
Now for what you've all been scrolling for.... {drum roll}

See you soon...